HAQ Series

The HAQ Series high voltage power supplies are designed specifically for use in high temperature environments. They provide isolated outputs of up 3kV and will operate at 185 degrees C case temperature. The output voltage of the HAQ power supply is directly proportional to the input voltage (0-15VDC). The output ripple is typically less than 0.1% at full power load. The two output leads are floating and fully isolated from the input power leads by over 1T Ohm (@ 25 deg C) with less than 50pF of coupling capacitance. This permits either positive or negative polarity operation. The circuitry incorporates the same high efficiency Royer Oscillator designed for our H-25B series which has been in production since 1981. All HAQ's are reverse input voltage and short circuit protected.

Model Output Voltage Output Current Ripple
HAQ-5 0 to 500V 0 to 3mA <0.1%
HAQ-15 0 to 1500V 0 to 1mA <0.1%
HAQ-30 0 to 3000V 0 to 0.5mA <0.1%
Bootstrap Themes

Cylindrical Shape
High Temperature (185 °C)
Output Proportional to Input
Output Voltage: HAQ series are available in 500VDC to 3,000VDC
Dimension: 1.00”OD x 2.25”

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